Page 107 - Trump Never Give Up: How I Turned My Biggest Challenges into Success
P. 107

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                              T R UM P: N E V E R G I V E U P

                   Things were going pretty well, and my confidence level was
               improving, especially when I saw that the Saturday Night Live
               regulars were enjoying the proceedings and having a few good
               laughs themselves. Then, I saw my costume for the chicken
               wings number. This was a commercial for Trump’s House of
               Wings, a skit that was popular from the first time we tried it
               out. It involves singing chickens, with me in the middle of them.
               I don’t need to say more. I had already said the chicken outfit
               was out, and what they gave me instead wasn’t much better: a
               bright yellow polyester suit that would make anyone look like a
               sitting duck for smart comments. I remember saying to some-
               one, “What have I gotten myself into?”
                   Little did I know the hard part was coming: the monologue.
               Think about it: walking out on stage with millions of people
               watching, and hoping to be funny. Then think about this:
               What if I wasn’t funny? Here’s a word to the wise—don’t think
               about it! You have to go for it or you will just freeze up think-
               ing about it.
                   I want to stop here to reiterate what I just wrote. It is
               absolutely true that sometimes you just have to get out there
               and do it. Being tentative can lend itself to fear, and fear of fail-
               ure can halt you immediately. You have to work despite your
               fears, and very often they will disappear. Don’t let fear stop you!
                   I know, it’s easier said than done. I even said to the set
               builders at this point, “What am I doing here? I should be
               building, like you. I can relate to you guys.” Once I got deeper
               into the rehearsals, it went well. We got some good laughs,
               which, believe me, was a wonderful sound, and I had gotten
               through a very big test of my ability to handle pressure and a
               new environment. In fact, I remember thinking that maybe I’d
               ask Darrell over to my office one day, so I could take a break and
               he could play me for a few hours. Thinking these thoughts man-
               aged to take my mind off the live show the next night. It was all
               still very new to me.

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