Page 108 - Trump Never Give Up: How I Turned My Biggest Challenges into Success
P. 108

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                                  D ON ’ T L ET F EAR S TOP Y OU

                       The next day was Saturday, which ends up being a marathon
                   day for everyone. We ran through the show for a live audience of
                   three hundred people. This was considered to be the dress
                   rehearsal, and the skits that are most popular with this audience
                   will make the final show. That’s when I learned that we
                   wouldn’t know what skits would be in the live show, or their
                   order, until about a half hour before appearing live. I’m someone
                   who likes having things in order and ready to go, no matter what
                   it might be, this news hit me with a strange sense of surprise.
                   I’m used to having and studying blueprints for a long time, for
                   example. Being well prepared for critical meetings has been one
                   of the secrets to my success. Just think, some of the skits we had
                   rehearsed for two days would be cut out completely, including, it
                   turned out, one of my favorites where I played a romance novel-
                   ist. All the preparations for those skits would be null and void.
                   Then we’d have a new running order and no time to get ready
                   for it. I was in for an exciting time, that’s for sure.
                       I had to take a deep breath and realize that I just might be in
                   over my head. This was big time, with a huge live audience to
                   watch me as well as being on tape for history to see. My photo
                   would go up on the wall in the halls of the legendary show. What
                   if I flopped? Forgot my lines? Forgot the lyrics to the song I had
                   to learn in five minutes? Put on the wrong costume? Looked like
                   an idiot instead of a respected real estate developer? Believe me,
                   you can have a lot of thoughts at critical moments like these. So
                   if you’ve ever felt that way, know you’re in some good company.
                   Here’s my advice—get to it and go on with the show!
                       That’s what I did, and beginning with the monologue, I
                   have to say it was a night I’ll always remember. Everyone had a
                   good time, from the wardrobe people to the Saturday Night Live
                   pros, to the audiences, both live and at home, and to the musi-
                   cians who made sure we were ready to go on when the time
                   came. Here’s the best part—I had a fantastic time, and an expe-
                   rience that was worth every nagging thought and fear of failure

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