Page 104 - Trump Never Give Up: How I Turned My Biggest Challenges into Success
P. 104

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                          D ON’ T L ET F EAR S TOP

                           Y OU—E VEN IN F RONT

                         OF M ILLIONS OF P EOPLE

                         Doubt s W il l Continue to Sur face,

                         Eve n a f te r You’ve M a de Up Your
                                   Mind to Go For wa rd

                          A SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE STORY

                          hat do you do when doubts continue to surface, even after
                   W you’ve committed to go forward? A lot of people mistak-
                   enly think that I stride the planet in a state of absolute certainty,
                   all of the time. The truth is, there are times I have to wrestle
                   with doubts after I’ve made big decisions. The challenge is what

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