Page 67 - Trump Never Give Up: How I Turned My Biggest Challenges into Success
P. 67
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There was a lot of talk for a while about venting your frus-
trations and anxieties and how it might be healthy to get them
off your chest. To a point, yes, but to an exaggerated degree, no.
I read an article recently about how complaining, without doing
anything about it, is actually detrimental to physical and mental
well-being. With the advent of blogging and all the other sorts
of opinion-gushing venues available to everyone now, people are
spending way too much time harping on negative themes. The
emphasis is out of balance, and the negative focus doesn’t help
the situation.
Don’t dwell so much on a problem that you’ve exhausted
yourself before you can even entertain a solution. It just doesn’t
make sense. It takes brainpower and energy to think positively
and creatively—and to see creatively and positively. Going nega-
tive is the easy way, the lazy way. Use your brainpower to focus
on positives and solutions, and your own mindset will help cre-
ate your own luck.
Shakespeare put it this way, in a famous quote from Julius
Caesar: “The fault is not in our stars, dear Brutus, but in our-
selves.” That’s a clear message. We are responsible for ourselves.
We are responsible for our own luck. What an empowering
thought! If you see responsibility as a bum deal, then you are
not seeing it for what it really is—a great opportunity.
Let’s say you’re facing some big challenge today. I can tell
you right now you’ve got a lot of company. What will separate
you from the complaining crowd will be how you choose to look
at your situation. If you believe you are in control of it—and
you are—you will know exactly who to look for when you need
help: yourself. You could be your greatest discovery yet for suc-
cess, luck, power, and happiness.
When I encountered enormous financial challenges back in
the 1990s, I was mature enough to assume responsibility and
know that the problem was mine. I knew it wouldn’t do any
good to blame other people. That would be a waste of time, and