Page 63 - Trump Never Give Up: How I Turned My Biggest Challenges into Success
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                              T R UM P: N E V E R G I V E U P

               wildlife: The creation of three artificial holts for otters and a
               written otter protection plan; preparation of a badger protec-
               tion plan, based on new surveys; new habitat creation for Red
               List breeding birds; erection of nest boxes and bat boxes at
               Menie House; biodiversity target actions to maintain and
               enhance the Palmate Newt, Black-Headed Gulls and wading
               birds, Brown Hare, and Wych Elm; and creation of new slacks,
               plant and habitat translocation, and seed collection to maintain
               young dune slack habitat. And that’s just a partial list. Remem-
               ber when I mentioned the two five-inch-thick books? I wasn’t
               exaggerating. So if you think things just happen because my
               name is Donald Trump, let this be a reminder that it doesn’t
               work that way.
                   When we finally submitted the final outline of the plan-
               ning application to the Aberdeenshire Council, it addressed
               both the environmental and business issues of the develop-
               ment. On the economic side, the construction project would
               create approximately 6,230 jobs in Aberdeenshire and 740 jobs
               in the rest of Scotland. The ongoing operation would support a
               total of 1,250 jobs and 1,440 long-term jobs. Overall, the proj-
               ect could create as much as 205 million pounds in economic
               value for Aberdeenshire and 262 million pounds for Scotland.
               Those are some of the facts and figures we submitted, and as
               you can see, our research had to be very detailed. It’s no sur-
               prise that support was enthusiastic from the local business
               community. For my part, this will be an expensive develop-
               ment, costing nearly $1 billion pounds, but it’s really a labor of
               love for me.
                   As I write this a year after the first big environmental issues
               surfaced, we are going ahead with our vision with very few
               impediments. How did it happen? How did we overcome the
               challenges people thought were insurmountable? People were
               expecting a duel, and instead, we offered a partnership. We

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