Page 61 - The Way to the Top
P. 61
CEO of Atlanta Bread Company
When people emigrate, as I did, they tend to change fields to find a “new
opportunity.” I think that’s a mistake. In South Africa, I was an investment
banker with holdings in three retail food operations. Before I moved to the
United States, I met with a successful entrepreneur. I asked him, “What
should I do when I get to America?” His advice: “Stick to what you know.”
So I stayed in the food business. If you’re a plumber, become a better
plumber. If you studied to be a doctor, be a better doctor. Stick to what you
know. The grass always seems greener on the other side, but it’s not. Build
on your experience rather than jumping ship. It’s easier to do different,
new, and exciting things—but often it’s smarter to stay the course.
I pass this advice on to my franchisees—stick to Atlanta Bread
Company and you will get better and better. Look at me: I purchased my
business in 1995 when it had two locations. Today there are almost two
hundred. Look at Trump—he stuck with it; you can, too.
Stick to what you know