Page 107 - Why We Want You To Be Rich - Donald Trump, Robert Kiyosaki.pdf
P. 107


      you're not living your life, then who is? If you're not going to think
      about your life, then who will? You're here now, so give it your full
          I often think of battles and battlefields in the sense of being
      arenas. We all choose, to a certain extent I would hope, what arena
      we are operating in, and what arena we'd like to be operating in. It's
      about having goals and visions for achievement and fulfillment. It's
      sometimes difficult to change circles, but it's sometimes for the
          We can be very much influenced by the people with whom we
      keep company, and it's not easy to break with the pack or to do the
      unexpected. It can be a solitary season or two before we get enough
      momentum to expand our own circle, but eventually that can lead
      to a very full arena of events and people you happen to enjoy. That's
      very much like writing your own script and having it become one you
      wind up enjoying watching and participating in.
          Choice is a freedom we can all exercise. When I meet people who
      live in certain waysbecause they like it, but which I know I wouldn't,
      it reminds me of a menu at a restaurant - there's something for
      everyone. And if there isn't, there's always another restaurant to go
      to. It's also a good way to keep from being judgmental - as in, to
      each his own.
          Back to the script idea. I heard
      someone say once that we are all
      in charge of writing our own              Give yourself a
      movie, and that movie is our life.        Iittle freedom
      Imagine yourself writing scenes -
                                                  develop into
      What kind would you want to have?
                                                 something qr
      Somehow,    I don't think we'd
      choose   drudgery,   boredom   or         someone you'd
      poverty. It's not only no fun to        actually like to be.
      Write, it's boring and depressing to
                                                    - Doneld ]. Trump
      Watch. Give yourself a little                          .;
      freedom     to    develop     into
                                                   Two M EN • ONE MESSAGE',
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