Page 117 - Why We Want You To Be Rich - Donald Trump, Robert Kiyosaki.pdf
P. 117


          This traditional financial planning advice ofwork hard, get out ofdebt,
      invest for the long term and diversify isgoodfor the average investor - the
      passive investor who simply rums a little bit ofmoney over each month for
      someone else to manage. It isgoodadvice also for the person who is rich, but
      not interested in learning how to become an investor. Many movie stars,
      rich professionals, pro athletes and rich children with inheritances fall into
      this group. The key is to find agoodfinancial advisor.
          Know, however, that there isvery little leverage in following this path -
      and leverage is the key to great wealth.

      Leverage Is The Key

          Ever since humans lived in caves,humans have sought leverage. Two of
      the first forms of leverage were fire and the spear. Fire and the spear gave
      humans leverage over their harsh environment. When a child was able, the
      parents would teach the child how to make his or her own fire and to use the
      spear as protection and for killing animals for food. Years later, the spear
      was reduced in size and the bow and arrow was developed, a higher form of
      leverage.Again, one ofthe definitions of  :::.~.~• • • • • • • • Il~.i!9:
      leverageistheability todomorewith less.
      A bow and arrow is an example ofdoing
                                               Getti ng back to the
      more with less ... over a spear.
                                              difference between a
          As time went on, humans continued
      to use their brains to develop more    saver and aninvestor,
      leverage. Learning to ride a horse was a  there is one word that
      powerful form ofleverage. Not only was
                                            separates them and that
      the horse used for transportation and
                                             word is leverage. One
      tilling the soil for planting crops, the
      horse also became a powerful force in  definition of leverage is
      warfare.                                   the ability to do
          When gunpowder was developed,
                                                 more with less.
      the ruler who had cannons conquered
      rulers who did not. Indigenous peoples       - Robert T. Kiyosaki
     : such  as  the  American    Indians,
                                                               - - ---- -- ------
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