Page 118 - Why We Want You To Be Rich - Donald Trump, Robert Kiyosaki.pdf
P. 118


                                                Hawaiians, Maoris ofNew Zealand, the Aborigines ofAustralia and many
                                                other cultures were conquered by gunpowder.
                                                   Only a hundred years ago, the automobile and the airplane replaced the
                                                horse.Again, both new forms ofleverage were used for peacetime purposes
                                                and for warfare. Today,the countries that control the world'ssupplies ofoil
                                                have leverage over much ofthe world.
                                                   Radio, television, telephone, this computer I am writing on and the
                                                World Wide Web are all forms of leverage. Each new breakthrough adds
                                                more wealth and power to those who have the accessand the training to use
                                                these leveraged tools.
                                                   If you want to become rich and not be a victim ofglobal changes, it is
                                                important that you develop the greatest lever ofall: your mind. Ifyou want
                                                to be rich and keep your wealth, your mind - your financial education -
                                                is your greatest lever ofall.
                                                   Donald and I both had the advantage of having rich dads who
                                                introduced us to the world of money. But all our rich dads could do was
                                                introduce us.We stillhad to do our part. We still had to study, learn, practice,
                                                correct and grow. Just as the father and mother in the cave taught their
                                                children to start a fire and use a spear, we had rich dads who taught us how
                                                to use money and our minds to become rich.
                                                   I can hear some ofyou saying, "But I don't have a rich dad. I wasn't born
                                                into money. I don't have a good education."This type ofthinking may be the
                                                reason why your chances for attaining and, more importantly, keeping great
                                                wealth are slim. Yourchances may be slim becauseyou are usingyour greatest
                                                asset,your mind, against yourself You are using your mind to make excuses
                                                rather than to make money. Remember, your mind is your greatest lever.
                                                But all levers can work in two directions - for good or bad.Just as debt can
                                                be used to make you rich, debt can be used to make you poor.
                                                   I did not have a great education, nor was I born into a rich family. The
                                                one thing I did have was a rich dad who taught me to use my mind to make
                                                money ... and not to make excuses. Rich dad hated excuses. He used to say,
                                                "Excuses are a dime a dozen. That's why unsuccessful people have so many
                                                excuses." He would also say, "Ifyou cannot control your mind, you cannot

                                          ---                             --"'"'--...-.;......._-_-......;..-----"~
                                                WHY WE WANT You To BE RICH
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