Page 287 - Why We Want You To Be Rich - Donald Trump, Robert Kiyosaki.pdf
P. 287


    f." assets and serving as many people as we can. Also, we keep financially
    J negative people out of our lives and surround ourselves with like-minded
    i  people who challenge and support us. Our friends are also a part of our
    ,  environment.

       My Work Environment
    t      When I got my first job, with the Xerox Corporation, I quickly found
    !  that it too was not an ideal environment in which to get rich. While my

       bosseswanted me to work hard and make alot ofmoney, their primary focus
       was to make the shareholders happy ... not the employees. Whenever I
       talked about starting my own company, my managers above me let me know
       that it was against company policy to be working on my own business.
    ~........  This does not mean I did not love working for Xerox, because I did. It
    ~  wasjust not an environment designed for me to get rich in. In addition, even
       though I did make a lot of money, the tax schedules for high-income
    Lemployees would not have allowed much in the way ofwealth creation.
    ,      In The Rich Dad Company, every weekly meeting focuses on our staff
       becoming richer. We encourage them to attend financial seminars, to start
       their own businesses and to invest -  not through a company retirement
       plan, but through their own investment plans. Several employees have left
       because they did not like the pressure I put on them to become financially
    I  educated and eventually financially free. I am glad they left because they will
    ,  be happier working in a different environment.

    , Environments For People Who Are Afraid OfLosing
    ~.     Many people who want to become rich fail to become rich simply

       because they are rich people in a poor environment. For example, ifyou are
       an employee, you are probably working in an environment designed for
       people who are working not to lose - people who want job security and a
       steady paycheck. Owners who create such environments usually have no
       problem attracting and keeping good employees -  employees who are
       happy working not to lose and turning their money over to financial experts
       rather than learning to be their own financial expert. Obviously, government

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