Page 306 - Why We Want You To Be Rich - Donald Trump, Robert Kiyosaki.pdf
P. 306
note, they hardly are a measure of intrinsic value - and professional
investors are looking for value, not the price.
If you would like to experience playing our CASHFLOW games,
without risking any money, there are CASHFLOW Clubs all over the
world. You may want to join one and expand your mind to be able to see
what your eyes cannot.
In conclusion, the averageinvestor only knows one way to make money,
and that is by buying low and selling high. A professional investor would
rather buy low,realizegains from other arenas, and let the assetgrow forever.
The Power Of Vision
Financial literacy allows a person to see with their brains what the
human eye cannot see. This is what I refer to as vision. Donald and I invest
in real estate because we can see the cash flow and value. People with vision
master the ability to see through to the heart ofissues and investments. They
value transparency.
No Transparency
Mutual funds have no transparency. A mutual fund company is not
required to be financially transparent. They do not have to accurately
disclose expenses. Why anyone would invest in an entity that does not
disclose expenses is beyond me. That is more than just being an amateur -
that is choosing to be blind.
Invest For The Long Term
Becausemutual fund investors cannot see the true numbers, they cannot
seehow much money the mutual fund company is taking from them .When
a financial advisor recommends you invest for the long term, this is the
reason why: