Page 311 - Why We Want You To Be Rich - Donald Trump, Robert Kiyosaki.pdf
P. 311
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Robert's Response
When I first heard about network marketing, I was against it. But after
opening my mind, I began to see advantages that few other business
opportunities offer.
Long-term success in life isa reflection ofyour education, life experience
and personal character. Many network-marketing companies provide
personal development training in those key areas.
Most schools train people for the E or S quadrants, and that is great if
those are the quadrants in which you want to spend your life. Most MBA
programs are training students for high-paying jobs in the corporate world
as an E, not a B.
What ifyou're in the E or S quadrant and you want to change? What if
you want to be in the B quadrant? Where do you find the education that
trains you for that quadrant? I recommend a network-marketing business.
I recommend the industry for people who want to change and get the
necessary skills and attitude training to be successful in the B quadrant.
Being an entrepreneur and building a B quadrant business is not easy.In
fact, I believe building a B quadrant business is one of the toughest
challenges a person can take on. The reason there are more people in the E
and S quadrants is simply because those quadrants are less demanding than
the B quadrant. As they say,"Ifit was easy, everyone would do it."
Personally, I had to learn how to overcome my self-doubt, shyness and
fear of rejection. And I had to learn how to pick myself up and keep going
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