Page 81 - Why We Want You To Be Rich - Donald Trump, Robert Kiyosaki.pdf
P. 81

,                                    WHY WE WANT You To BE RICH I 75

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          approximately $250 an ounce. By
          2006, just 10 years later, gold was
                                            The financial problems
          selling for over $600 an ounce. As
          an example, in 1996, if you had     we all face are now
          put $1,000 in the bank, today       bigger than the U .S,,~
          (2006) it would be worth less
                                            governmentalone can
          than $500 in gold. Instead, ifyou
                                           handle ... However, the
          had purchased four ounces ofgold
          for $1,000, today that gold would  problems have'not been
          be worth $2,400.                    solved and now are

          This 1971 change in the rules         becoming global
          meant that savers became losers.   problems, beyond.tho
          People who believed that their
                                            borders of
          money was safe in the bank lost,
                                            and beyond the control
          simply because they did not really
          have money in the bank -  they    of our political leaders.
          had a currency, an IOU from our
                                                   - Robert T.Kiyosaki
          government. People who live on
          fixed incomes will find life more
          expensive - their dollar will not
          go as far. What the government is telling these people is that the
          problem is inflation. What the government does not tell them is that
          the problem is reallydevaluation. Our dollar isdropping in value simply
          becauseour government isprinting more money to solvetheir problems.
          By the year 2020, a loafofbread may cost $12, but pension checks, for
          those who get them, will stay the same. This problem leads to the next

          4. Baby boomers without money: We've emphasized the fact that in
          the next few years, the first of75 million baby boomers will begin to
          retire. Many have inadequate funds to retire on. This lack of savings is
          caused partly by a law known as Gresham's Law. Gresham's Law states
          that when bad money enters the system, good money goes into hiding.

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