Page 78 - Why We Want You To Be Rich - Donald Trump, Robert Kiyosaki.pdf
P. 78


                                                  regardless ofwhy Warren Buffett bought a Cadillac.

                                                  The Rich Are Getting Richer

                                                     Donald Trump and I are very concerned about the future of this
                                                  country. We know something is wrong, just aswe all know something more
                                                  than the cars iswrong at GM. We are afraid this country and itswealth have
                                                  been grossly mismanaged just as GM is mismanaged. While playing games
                                                 with the numbers actually benefits the rich, making them richer, the price is
                                                 paid by the poor and the middle class.
                                                     If you have been to Detroit recently, you know the place feels like a
                                                 funeral home. Towns and businesses are dying. As businessesdie, real estate
                                                 prices drop and families are hurt in more ways than just financially. So is
                                                 what is good for GM also good for America? Is Detroit an example ofthe
                                                 future America?

                                                 More About The Entitlement Mentality

                                                     Donald and I both agree that America has become complacent. This
                                                 does not mean people do not work hard. What we mean by complacent is
                                                 that people have come to expect the government to handle their problems,
                                                 to fix the future. As a nation, we have come to put too much faith in
                                                 politicians and bureaucrats. Many problems today cannot be solved by
                                                 government ... because these problems are beyond any government's power
                                                 to solve.This is a global truth.
                                                     People have developed the entitlement mentality and are expecting
                                                 some kind of government handout. This includes the rich. Many big
                                                 corporations are subsidized by the government. Many farms and ranches
                                                 would not survive without a government handout. When it comes to
                                                 retirement benefits, the president ofthe United States and members ofthe
                                                 House and Senate all expect retirement money from the government. So,
                                                 when I speak ofthe entitlement mentality, I am not speaking only ofpoor
                                                 people. In reality, there are more government dollars going to rich people
                                                 than to poor people.
                                                     Recently, U.S. Senator Randall Cunningham, a former u.s. Navy fighter

                                                 WHY WE WANT You To BE RICH  _....:..:....~.;.-..................__IiIIIiIIiIiII.......;..;..,..  _
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