Page 166 - Trump University Commercial Real Estate 101
P. 166
Some people are so fearful of actually doing a deal that they talk
themselves out of good ones. They look for reasons not to proceed, so
they won ’ t have to face their fears.
I went through that phase. When I started investing, it took me a
few months to piece together the knowledge I needed to do that fi rst
deal. The learning process was nice, comfortable, and nonthreatening.
As soon as I had that knowledge, fear began to take over. I was afraid
to do my first deal. It was mostly fear of the unknown, coupled with an
overactive imagination.
As I analyzed deals, I found myself looking for reasons why a deal
wasn ’ t a deal. You know what? I could always fi nd a reason . . . or two
or fi ve.
For nine long, unprofitable months I allowed myself to do this.
I then found a property whose numbers really worked. In my fear
paralysis, I just couldn ’ t bring myself to put in an offer. I did what ’ s
called bird - dogging : I gave that lead to another investor for a small fee.
At least I had taken some action and made some money, I told myself.
The truth was that I had simply avoided doing the deal.
That investor was so busy doing other deals that he let his offer
expire. I bird - dogged the same deal to someone else, but he was too
busy. So was the third investor.
I knew this property was a deal. With no other excuses handy,
I swallowed hard and bought my fi rst deal.
I ’ m here to tell you that just one little deal makes all the difference!
I realized that the oceans did not rise up to swallow me, and I still had
a pulse . . . and a deal.
Well then! Only three months later I had three more properties.
After six months I had done nine deals. Within one year of confront-
ing my fears I had eleven deals under my belt. There is nothing better
than taking action and getting over the hurdle of doing that fi rst deal.
If you catch yourself looking for reasons not to do deals, get your-
self an experienced partner to assist you with your first one. That will
give you the confidence to spread your wings and start doing your own.
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