Page 176 - Trump University Commercial Real Estate 101
P. 176
person to go over goals for the next 30 to 90 days. As I set one goal,
I saw the manager look at the maintenance man and roll her eyes.
I knew right then that my property would be in trouble if she
remained as manager. I voiced my concern to the management com-
pany. To make a long story short, she soon decided to pursue other oppor-
tunities , as they say. Soon my property was thriving.
An executive at Nordstrom — the store that ’ s famous for its great
customer service — was once asked how it managed to train such
excellent people. He replied that it had long ago given up focusing
mainly on training, and instead focused on fi nding people whose atti-
tude was already great. Yes, Nordstrom also provided training , but it
had no illusions about training being able to turn a poor attitude into
a good one.
Be the RIGHT Kind of Control Freak
The wrong kind is the do - it - yourselfer . This person may be too cheap
to hire good talent or may think he can do a better job than anyone
else. Whatever the reason, it ’ s a prescription for mediocrity and
You must let go, and you must do so sooner than you think is
appropriate. Even when you have very little money, you should be
looking for ways to delegate easy tasks to family members, or to low -
cost helpers from the local elderly center.
As I mentioned earlier, you must only be doing deals that can
support the involvement of professional specialists such as mortgage
brokers and property managers.
In a later chapter, I discuss the kind of team you must create. What
I want to stress here is that your goal should not be to do the work your-
self, but instead to control the specialists who do the work for you.
It ’ s lucky for you that an excellent way to invest is also an excellent
way to learn the art of delegation: Buy a property that ’ s a couple of
hundred miles away in an emerging market — much too far away for
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