Page 174 - Trump University Commercial Real Estate 101
P. 174


                         When banks finance you, they will require that your debt coverage
                   ratio be 1.20 or better in good times, and around 1.25 in lean times.
                   It ’ s also a good rule of thumb for you to use, even if you ’ re not fi nanc-
                   ing through banks.

                                   Don ’ t Persuade Yourself into Failure

                     I already talked about the dire consequences of ignoring deferred
                   maintenance. Here are three other situations that you absolutely must
                   stay on top of:

                        1.   Collections
                        2.   Occupancy
                        3.   Attitude


                     It ’ s realistic to expect your management company to have a few out-

                   standing rents in the first part of the month. However, they should be
                     zeroing out  by the end of the month. In other words, they should have
                   collected all rents by then.
                         I ’ m not suggesting that tenants be told they have until the end of
                   the month. Instead, I ’ m referring to your internal reporting standard.
                   If you ’ re not at 100 percent, you must be on top of the situation. It ’ s
                   your job to manage the manager.
                         Even with the goal of 100 percent collections by the end of the
                   month, it ’ s common to have up to three percent in delinquent rents. Just
                   make sure the manager is actively pursuing these tenants. Rents that go
                   uncollected for more than thirty days are likely to go uncollected


                     The first job of your management company is to fill up the prop-
                   erty. The second job is to collect rents, and the third job is to keep that
                   property full. Your biggest expense will be tenant turnover.


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