Page 205 - Trump University Commercial Real Estate 101
P. 205
I W ish Someone Had Told Me These Things
advisers before you sign anything. Even after you sign, your deposit is
refundable until you and your advisors have thoroughly reviewed the
deal. Even if you miss a deadline, you often can renegotiate it and still
come out okay.
Look at it this way: You ’ re taking a far bigger risk with your fi nan-
cial future by wringing your hands and doing nothing, than you are by
starting, stumbling, and eventually succeeding. I believe in my bones
that the more action you take, the luckier you get.
Discomfort Breeds Dollars
Are you an introvert? Glad to meet you. So am I, at heart.
I ’ d much rather be by myself for long stretches of time than fl y
around the country and get on stage in front of tens of thousands of
In one sense, you and I have been fed a pack of lies. We ’ ve been
told “ Do what you love, and you ’ ll be successful. ” What baloney. Any-
one who knows me well is aware that I have a very serious soft spot for
chocolate. So I can sit on my duff, eat chocolate, and succeed?
A more accurate way to guide people is to say, “ Take action, get
results, and you ’ ll be successful. ” That ’ s not nearly as poetic as the “ Do
what you love ” stuff, but much more truthful.
I suggest that you make it a goal to do something that is out of
your comfort zone on a regular basis. Meaning daily . Try making an
extra offer this week; try going to the Chamber of Commerce cocktail
hour and telling three new people what you do; try standing up in
front of your local real estate investing association and describing the
kind of deal you ’ re looking for.
The key word above is try . Draw a circle around your capabilities
as of today. Then tomorrow, you should be able to draw a somewhat
larger circle. You ’ re getting stronger, better, more knowledgeable, and
bolder, while your competition is sitting still, waiting for that perfect
time which never comes.
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