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198                                       F.S.G. Cheung and J.K.V. Reichardt

              The AF-2 domain of the VDR becomes exposed upon 1,25(OH) D  binding and
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            serves as a binding platform for transcriptional activators [110]. Kim et al. investigated
            the recruitment of co-factors in 1,25(OH) D  induced gene expression. These co-factors
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            possessing HAT activity and include members of the p160 co-activators (steroid recep-
            tor co-activators (SRC)-1, SRC-2 and SRC-3), CREB binding protein (CBP)/p300 co-
            activators [83] and nuclear co-activator 62 kDa-SKI-interacting protein (NCoA62-SKIP)
            [7]. After the chromatin is relaxed by acetylation, the vitamin D receptor interacting
            proteins  (DRIPs)  complex  at  the  AF-2  region  facilitates  the  entry  of  transcription
            machinery proteins, such as RNA polymerase (Pol) II [52] and transcription factor 2B
            (TF2B) [94]. Different nuclear hormone  receptors may direct tissue specific gene regu-
            lation by recruiting various members of the HAT proteins/co-activators [148].
              On the other hand, 1,25(OH) D  can also repress gene expression. The repres-
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            sion is mediated by the binding of 1,25(OH) D  to VDR to induce the interaction
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            of the VDR to VDR-interacting repressor (VDIR) which can bind to a negative
            VDRE (nVDRE). Binding of VDIR to this motif leads to the replacement of HAT
            with HDAC [108]. It has recently been found that this VDIR-VDR co-repressor
            complex together with HDAC recruits the DNA methyltransferase which methy-
            lates  CpG  sites  [82].  At  this  stage  MeCP2  can  bind  to  the  methylated  CpG
            sequences and repress transcription by interacting with the HDAC complex [95].
            Therefore,  the  HDAC  and  methylation  activities  work  in  parallel  to  mediate
            1,25(OH) D  induced trans-repression of VDR target genes.
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            9.3.3   Non-genomic Actions of 1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D
            In 1,25(OH) D , the single bond between the A ring and the fused C-D rings allows
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            rotation of the A ring around the C-D fused rings. This flexibility creates the forma-
            tion  of  trans  and  cis  conformations  of  the  molecule  that  dictates  the  type  of
            response  elicited  by  the  molecule  [113,  114].  Apart  from  the  genomic  effect
            described earlier, in the mid-1980s, a rapid, nongenomic response was recognized
            and  is  mediated  by  the  cis-1,25(OH) D  [112].  This  molecule  has  the  ability  to
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            activate multiple cell-signalling cascades and bring about a broad range of effects
            in cell survival and proliferation [115].
              Non-genomic actions of 1,25(OH) D  involves the binding of 1,25(OH) D  to a
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            cell surface membrane receptor. It has been well documented that non genomic
            pathway involves the activation of the Raf-mitogen-activated protein kinase extra-
            cellular  signal-regulated  kinase  kinase  (MEK)-mitogen-activated  protein  kinase
            (MAPK)-extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) cascade. However, the recep-
            tor and the exact pathways that lead to the activation of Raf are still to be confirmed.
            Candidates for this putative surface membrane receptor include the classical cyto-
            solic VDR (called VDR  ) [75, 84] and the 1,25(OH) D -membrane associated
                                mem                      2  3
            rapid response steroid-binding (1,25(OH) D –MARRS) protein [111].
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              It has been proposed that the binding of 1,25(OH) D  to G protein coupled recep-
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            tors or protein-tyrosine kinase receptors [100] is an essential part of the  non-genomic
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