Page 329 - Vitamin D and Cancer
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            case-control studies have generally failed to demonstrate that a higher prediagnostic
            serum 25(OH)D level lowers risk of cancer. The vitamin D relationship with cancer
            is not a simple one, where more is better. As latitude increases, so does the seasonal
            variability  in  UVB  exposure  and  serum  25(OH)D  of  populations.  Humans  are  a
            tropical species for whom large seasonal fluctuations in serum 25(OH)D may not be
            something  for  which  their  biology  has  been  adapted.  Metabolism  within  tissues
            responsive to the paracrine synthesis of 1,25(OH) D needs to adapt to prevailing
            25(OH)D levels, through adjustments to the CYP27B1 and CYP24 that  respectively
            synthesize and catabolize 1,25(OH) D. These enzymes are unique in endocrinology,
            because their activity in vivo is a first-order relationship with substrate. Consequently,
            so long as serum 25(OH)D levels are in a phase of decline, as they are during win-
            ters, there will be a relative excess in tissue catabolism of 1,25(OH) D, lowering
            tissue 1,25(OH) D levels, and potentially affecting cancer risk and prognosis.

            14.1.1   Relationship Between Vitamin D and Prostate Cancer

            Increased exposure to UVB light is associated with lower risk of internal cancers [1–3],
            but those benefits are at the cost of higher risk of skin cancer [4, 5]. The benefits of a
            high-UV environment are widely attributed to the vitamin D produced as a result of UVB
            light. But for prostate cancer as well as cancer of the pancreas, there is much controversy
            about  whether  higher  vitamin  D  status  (measured  as  serum  25-hydroxyvitamin  D
            [25(OH)D]) is beneficial or harmful [6–8]. One alternative to the vitamin D hypothesis
            is that melatonin or lighting cycles themselves can moderate cellular biology to prevent
            cancer [9, 10]; however, this speculation is not supported by direct evidence.
              As an example, prostate cancer cells possess both of the enzymes needed to convert
            vitamin D into the active paracrine hormone, 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 (1,25(OH) D;
            calcitriol) [11]. In cultured prostate epithelial cells, a physiological level of vitamin D
            (the simple product of UV-exposed skin) inhibits growth, induces differentiation, and
            up-regulates  VDR,  RXRs,  and  androgen  receptors,  suggesting  that  the  observed
            effects are receptor-mediated [11]. The vitamin D system targets many genes that can
            play a cancer-preventive role, including genes involved in protection from oxidative
            stress, and cell–cell and cell–matrix interactions [12, 13]. Anti-inflammatory effects
            include the inhibition of tumor angiogenesis, invasion, and metastasis [14]. Calcitriol
            inhibits stromal invasion of prostate cancer cells by modulation of protease activity
            [15]. In xenograft mouse models, calcitriol and its analogs suppress the nuclear prolif-
            eration marker MIB-1 (or Ki-67) in ovarian [16] and breast cancers [17]. Prostate
            cancer LNCaP cells respond to calcitriol and its analogs with decreased MIB-1 expres-
            sion [13, 18, 19] and when implanted into in vivo mouse models, they respond to
            calcitriol with greatly diminished growth [20, 21]. In a mouse cancer model, the cal-
            citriol precursor, calcidiol, slowed tumor growth and improved differentiation of ras-
            transformed keratinocytes, confirming that in vivo, extrarenal 1-hydroxylase plays an
            important role in paracrine/autocrine control of growth and differentiation [22].
              The cellular mechanisms that explain why and how vitamin D can affect prostate
            cancer have been studied thoroughly, but the practical question of whether vitamin
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