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            Table 14.2  Similarities and Differences between the vitamin D system and the classic hormone
                          Similarities to conventional   Differences from the rest of the
                          hormones                endocrine system
            Signalling    Endocrine 1,25(OH) D,   Paracrine 1,25(OH) D, which is not
              molecule      which is released into   normally released into circulation
            Site of synthesis   Endocrine gland for the vitamin   Breast, prostate, many cell types
              of signaling   D system is the kidney
            What is regulated  Calcium absorption at the   Cell cycle, proliferation, differentiation,
                            intestine                many genes affected.
            Feedback via  Serum calcium and parathyroid   Autocatabolism by CYP24
                            hormone, respectively    (24-hydroxylase) induced by both
                            suppressing and stimulating   the substrate 25(OH)D and the
                            secretion of 1,25(OH) D  product, 1,25(OH) D.
                                           2                     2
            Substrate     (for hormones in general,   Supply of vitamin D and 25(OH)D
              availability  substrate supply is not   depend on UV light or food sources
                            rate limiting in the context   that were once in UV light, and
                            of ability to produce a   can range from deficiency to over
                            hormone)                 200 nmol/L (80 ng/mL) without
            Enzyme kinetics  (for hormones in general,   For CYP27B1 and CYP24, substrate
                            substrate supply is abundant   concentrations are below the Km
                            and not rate limiting)   of the enzyme. Hence the enzyme
                                                     activity is in a first-order relationship
                                                     with the substrates, 25(OH)D and
                                                     1,25(OH) D
            Effect of season  (for hormones in general,   For most who live at temperate latitudes,
                            there is no seasonality in   there is seasonality in substrate
                            substrate supply)        supply to produce 1,25(OH) D

            produces  an  increase  in  the  rate  of  catabolism,  by  inducing  1,25(OH) D-24-
            hydroxylase  (CYP24).  Tissue  levels  of  both  1-hydroxylase  [CYP27B1]  and  24-
            hydroxylase need to be balanced according to the prevailing supply of 25(OH)D. The
            inverse relationship between these enzymes has been shown in vivo in rats [34].

            14.2.1   Vitamin D Metabolism and Points of Regulation

            The  metabolism  of  vitamin  D  behaves  in  a  manner  consistent  with  the  model
              illustrated in Fig. 14.1, in which a molecule of vitamin D can flow through a series
            of virtual compartments as represented for each metabolite. Flow is regulated at sev-
            eral steps in the system. At the level of 25-hydroxylase in the liver, metabolism of the
            vitamin D substrate is relatively automatic and unregulated. Passage of 25(OH)D at
            the kidney into the hormone, 1,25(OH) D, is regulated tightly, depending on the need
            for calcium. At peripheral tissues where its role in the prevention of cancer becomes
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