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2  The Molecular Cancer Biology of the VDR                      27

            signal  transduction responses [5, 6]. This is a feature of several NRs, such as the
            ERa, where the NR is cycled through caveolae at the cell membrane to initiate
            signal transduction pathways [6, 7]. The contribution of these actions to the overall
            functions of 1a,25(OH) D  remains to be clarified fully. Interestingly, there is also
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            evidence for the VDR to be actively trafficked into the nucleus upon ligand activa-
            tion, in tandem with the heterodimeric partner RXRs [8], each in association with
            specific importins [9].
              The majority of findings to date have addressed a nuclear function for the VDR
            associated with transcription. Structurally, the VDR is uncommon, compared to
            other NRs (NRs), as it does not contain an activation domain at its amino terminus
            (AF1).  In  most  other  receptors,  this  is  an  important  domain  for  activation,  for
            example,  for  autonomous  ligand-independent  AF  function  domain.  The  VDR
            instead relies on a domain in the carboxy terminus (AF-2) for activation and other
            domains for heterodimerization with RXR [10]. The VDR ligand-binding pocket
            contains hydrophobic residues such as His-305 and -397 that are important in the
            binding of 1a,25(OH) D . Ligand binding specifically requires interaction of the
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            hydroxyl group of the A ring at carbon 1 of 1a,25(OH) D , which is added by the
                                                         2  3
            action of the 1a hydroxylase enzyme. The binding of ligand causes an LBD con-
            formational change, which allows the C-terminal helix 12 of the AF2 domain to
            reposition into an active conformation, exposing a docking surface for transcrip-
            tional co-regulators [11–13]. This switch of conformation of the LBD in the pres-
            ence of ligand is a common feature in all ligand-binding NRs, as is the capacity to
            undergo  receptor–cofactor  interactions.  Thus,  both  the  unliganded  and  liganded
            VDR associates with a large number of different proteins involved with transcrip-
            tional suppression and activation, respectively.
              When located within the nucleus and in the absence of ligand, the VDR exist in
            an “apo” state associated with RXR and corepressors (e.g., NCOR1 and NCOR2/
            SMRT) [14, 15] as part of large complexes (~2.0 MDa) [14, 16] and bound to RE
            sequences. These complexes in turn actively recruit a range of enzymes that post-
            translationally  modify  histone  tails,  for  example,  histone  deacetylases  (HDACs)
            and methyltransferases, and thereby maintain a locally condensed chromatin struc-
            ture  around  response  element  sequences  [17–20].  Ligand  binding  induces  a  so-
            called  holo  state,  facilitating  the  association  of  the  VDR-RXR  dimer  with
            coactivator  complexes.  A  large  number  of  interacting  coactivator  proteins  have
            been described, which can be divided into multiple families including the p160
            family, the non-p160 members, and members of the large “bridging” TRAP/DRIP/
            ARC complex, which links the receptor complex to the co-integrators CBP/p300
            and basal transcriptional machinery [21, 22].
              The complex choreography of these events has recently emerged from the study of
            the  VDR  [17,  23–28]  and  other  NRs  [29–32],  and  involves  cyclical  rounds  of
              promoter-specific complex assembly, gene transactivation, complex disassembly, and
            proteosome-mediated  receptor  degradation  coincident  with  corepressor  binding  and
            silencing of transcription. This gives rise to the characteristic periodicity of NR tran-
            scriptional  activation  and  pulsatile  mRNA  and  protein  accumulation.  However,  the
            periodicity of VDR-induced mRNA accumulation of target genes is not shared, but
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