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32                                            J. Thorne and M.J. Campbell

            between  different  cellular-signaling  systems.  Furthermore,  the  arena  for  VDR
            actions and interplay extends beyond the nucleus and integrates levels of cytoplas-
            mic  signal  transduction,  genomic  and  epigenomic  regulation.  Establishing  the
            specificity of function and selectivity of VDR interactions has to an extent been
            limited by technical approaches. Unbiased approaches are now required to dissect
            VDR interactions (in the membrane, cytoplasm, and nucleus) in either individual
            cells or very pure populations, thereby to generate a comprehensive understanding
            of the spatial temporal network of its interactions.

            2.2   Integrated VDR Actions

            2.2.1   Lessons from Murine Models

            The  VDR  plays  a  well-established  endocrine  role  in  the  regulation  of  calcium
              homeostasis by regulating calcium absorption in the gut and kidney, and bone min-
            eralization. 1a,25(OH) D  status is dependent upon cutaneous synthesis initiated
            by solar radiation and also on dietary intake – a reduction of either one or both
            sources leads to insufficiency, although UV-initiated cutaneous 1a,25(OH) D  syn-
            thesis is the principal route in a vitamin D-sufficient individual. The importance of
            the  relationships between solar exposure and the ability to capture UV-mediated
            energy is underscored by the inverse correlation between human skin pigmentation
            and latitude. That is, the individual capacity to generate vitamin D  in response to
            solar UV exposure is intimately associated with forebear environmental adaptation.
            The correct and  sufficient level of solar exposure and serum vitamin D  are matters
            of considerable debate. Current recommendations for daily vitamin D  intake are in
            the range of 400–800 IU/day [92]. More recently, reassessment of the 1a,25(OH) D
            impact on the prevention of osteoporosis has suggested that the correct level may
            be as high as 2–3,000 IU/day, which may reflect more accurately “ancestral” serum
            levels [93].
            The importance of the relationship between UV exposure and calcium homeostasis
            has driven the endocrine view of 1a, 25(OH) D  synthesis and signaling. In paral-
            lel, local generation of 1a, 25(OH) D  in target tissues has become apparent and
            supported a separate autocrine role to regulate cell proliferation and differentiation,
            and other functions including the modulation of immune responses.
              Key  insights  into  these  functions  have  been  gained  in  Vdr-deficient  mice
            [94–96]. The Vdr is expressed widely during murine embryonic development in
            tissues involved in calcium homeostasis and bone development. Vdr disruption
            results in a profound phenotype in these models, which is principally observed
            post-weaning and is associated with the alteration of duodenal calcium absorp-
            tion and bone mineralization, resulting in hypocalcemia, secondary hyperpara-
            thyroidism,  osteomalacia, rickets, impaired bone formation, and elevated serum
            levels  of  1a,25(OH) D .  In  parallel,  a  range  of  more  subtle  effects  are  seen
            more clearly when the animals are rescued with dietary calcium  supplementation
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