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30                                            J. Thorne and M.J. Campbell

            adjacent to this domain is the Serine 51 residue. This residue appears crucial for
            ligand-induced  and  phosphorylation-dependent  transcriptional  activation  by  the
            VDR. When Ser51 is mutated, phosphorylation of the VDR, by PKC at least, is all
            but completely abolished and its transcriptional activity is markedly reduced [67].
            It is intriguing that the crucial site of PKC activity is located so close to the DNA-
            binding domain, but whether there are allosteric or biochemical changes that alter
            the ability of the VDR to bind DNA remains to be elucidated.
              The common NR partner RXR can also be phosphorylated and as a result alters
            recruitment of cofactors to its holo-complexes. Ser260 is located within the ligand-
            binding domain of the RXR and appears crucial for mediating cofactor binding and
            ligand-induced  transcriptional  responses.  When  phosphorylated,  Ser260  allows
            binding between the RXR and VDR, but presumably through allosteric changes to
            the complex, limits the recruitment of cofactors to the complex [68].
              The recruitment of cofactors to the VDR holo-complex also appears to be regu-
            lated further by the presence of PTMs, for example, kinase CK-II. The phospho-
            mimic mutant VDRS208D does not increase or decrease VDR–DNA, VDR–RXR,
            or VDR–SRC interactions but it does increase the levels of VDR–DRIP205 com-
            plexes  present.  CK-II  which  specifically  phosphorylates  Ser208  enhances
            1,25(OH) D -induced transactivation of VDR targets [69, 70]. In addition, phos-
                   2  3
            phatase inhibitors (okadoic acid) in combination with 1,25(OH) D  shifts the cofac-
                                                              2  3
            tor  preference  from  NCOA2/GRIP-1  to  TRIP2/DRIP205  [71].  Taken  together,
            these data suggest that the TRIP2/DRIP205 coactivator complex enhances the tran-
            scriptional response by VDR and is recruited by CK-II dependent phosphorylation
            of the VDR at Ser208.

            2.1.3   Vitamin D Response Elements

            A further level of specificity may arise from the specificity of binding sequence
            contained within the REs sequences of genomic targets. Simple REs are formed by
            two recognition motives and their relative distance and orientation contributes to
            receptor-binding  specificity.  Thus,  the  first  identified  VDRE  was  the  DR3  –  an
            imperfect hexameric direct repeat sequence AGTTCA with a spacer of three nucle-
            otides.  In  the  DR3  configuration,  RXR,  the  heterodimer  partner  is  believed  to
            occupy the upstream half-site and VDR the downstream motif with two half-sites
            spaced by three nucleotides. Other types of VDREs have since been identified. One
            such  VDRE  is  a  palindromic  sequence  with  a  nine  base-pair  nucleotide  spacer
            (IR9). This sequence was identified in the human calbindin D9K gene and like most
            VDREs the VDR/RXR binds this sequence in a 5¢-RXR-VDR-3¢ polarity (reviewed
            in [72]). More recently, a novel everted repeat sequence with a six base-pair nucle-
            otide spacer (ER6) has been identified in the gene for CYP3A4 (an enzyme impor-
            tant in xenobiotic metabolism) in addition to the DR3 already known to be present
            in this gene [73]. An inverted repeat with no spacer (IR0) has also been identified
            in the SULT2A1 gene [74].
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