Page 89 - Vitamin D and Cancer
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            of fortified milk (in the USA) contains only 100 IU vitamin D, whereas being
            exposed to enough UV-B radiation to cause a slight pinkness to the skin with most
            of the skin uncovered (one minimal erythemal dose) produces vitamin D equiva-
            lent to an oral dose of 20,000 IU vitamin D [10, 11]. In most populations, with
            some  exceptions  such  as  in  Iceland,  much  more  vitamin  D  is  made  from  sun
            exposure than is ingested. Nonetheless, vitamin D intake is an important contribu-
            tor to 25(OH)D levels, especially in winter months in regions at high latitudes,
            when it may be the sole contributor. Yet, even with added vitamin D from supple-
            mentation and fortification, vitamin D intake at typical levels currently do not
            raise  25(OH)D  levels  substantially,  and  most  variability  in  populations  comes
            from sun exposure. One important consideration of studies of vitamin D intake is
            that, depending on the specific population, intake of vitamin D may be predomi-
            nantly from one or a few sources, such as fatty fish, fortified milk, or supple-
            ments.  Thus,  there  will  tend  to  be  high  correlations  with  other  dietary  factors
            (e.g., omega-3 fatty acids in fish, calcium in milk, and other vitamins and miner-
            als  in  supplements)  increasing  the  possibility  of  confounding.  One  important
            issue is that ergocalciferol (D2) is often used in supplements, and ergocalciferol
            has been estimated to be only one-fourth as potent as cholecalciferol (D3) in rais-
            ing 25(OH)D) [12].

            4.2.3   Studies of Predicted 25(OH)D Level

            A study can use known predictors of 25(OH)D level based on data on the individual
            level to formulate a predicted 25(OH)D score. For example, based on individuals’
            reported vitamin D intake, region of residence (surrogate of UV-B exposure), out-
            door activity level, skin color, and body mass index, a quantitative estimate of the
            expected vitamin D level can be made. The predicted 25(OH)D approach may have
            some advantages and disadvantages compared to the use of a single measurement
            of circulating 25(OH)D in epidemiologic studies. The measurement of 25(OH)D is
            more  direct,  intuitive,  and  encompasses  some  of  the  sources  of  variability  of
            25(OH)D not taken into account by the score. The most important of these is actual
            sun exposure behaviors, such as type of clothing and use of sunscreen. However, in
            some aspects, the predicted 25(OH)D measure may provide a comparable or supe-
            rior estimate of long-term vitamin D status over a single measurement of circulat-
            ing 25(OH)D. Most importantly, some factors accounted by the predicted 25(OH)
            D score are immutable (e.g., skin color) or relatively stable (region of residence,
            body  mass  index).  In  contrast,  circulating  25(OH)D  level  has  a  half-life  of
            2–3 weeks, and thus a substantial proportion of variability picked up by a single
            blood measure would likely be due to relatively recent exposures, which may not
            be  representative  of  long-term  exposure.  The  predicted  25(OH)D  approach  has
            been rarely used.
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