Page 176 - Think Like a Champion
P. 176

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                                                 Be sincere; be brief; be seated.
                                                   —Franklin D. Roosevelt


                                                    Know Your

                                   big key to winning is knowing where the other side is com-
                               Aing from. Whether you are involved in negotiations, a war, or
                               in public speaking, this information can be invaluable. It’s also nec-
                               essary if you hope to connect in any way with other people. And
                               in keeping with FDR’s public speaking advice, getting to the point
                               is greatly appreciated by everyone.
                                  A great portion of life and business involves acting. Life is a
                               performance art, no matter what field you are in. I’ve come to un-
                               derstand that fact over the years, and it’s a helpful thing to realize.
                               It includes people skills, negotiation skills, public relations, sales-
                               manship, and the ability to read your audience, whether that au-
                               dience is four people in your office or forty thousand at a speech.
                               The same technique applies.
                                  First of all, consider this: Is there a common denominator be-
                               tween you? Sometimes, even the weather can be a good starting
                               point. Inclement or severe weather can affect all of us, whether we
                               are billionaires or college students. That’s an obvious one. Others

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