Page 50 - Think Like a Champion
P. 50

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                                                   Experience is one thing
                                                   you can’t get for nothing.

                                                       —Oscar Wilde



                                 remember reading a short book that was entirely based on the
                               Iquestion: What does wisdom mean to you? People from every
                               profession, every walk of life, and every possible background con-
                               tributed their thoughts. All these people had been successful. The
                               answers were diverse, but I realized they tended to have a few com-
                               mon denominators: experience, integrity, and knowledge.
                                  I was relatively young when I read this book, and in fact I can’t
                               remember the title of it. It was left on a table in the library at
                               school so I just happened upon it. I understood the emphasis on
                               knowledge, and could see the value of experience even though I
                               hadn’t had much yet, so what stood out the most to me was in-
                               tegrity. Very often it was combined with the value of reputation,
                               and I think that’s when my approach to a quality brand name was
                               in gestation.
                                  My father had already established a strong brand name in the
                               outer boroughs of New York City as a developer, and people knew
                               his work would have an inherent quality to it. They wouldn’t have
                               to guess or feel they were taking a chance if it had the Trump

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