Page 17 - Midas Touch
P. 17

Edison’s  quote  summarizes  why  most  people  fail  to  become  successful
                entrepreneurs.  The  quote  also  explains  why  most  entrepreneurs  fail  to
                develop  their  Midas  Touch.  Simply  put,  most  people  fail  to  become
                successful because they fail to fail enough.

                Relative  to  the  Midas  Touch,  the  thumb  represents  your  emotional
                maturity  and  strength  of  character.  Without  the  thumb,  the  other  four
                fingers lack the stability to handle the daily challenges, the ups and downs,
                wins and losses, that all entrepreneurs face every day.

                What Do You Lack?

                Many people say that two things stop most new entrepreneurs:

                1. The lack of capital

                2. The lack of real-life business experience

                From my own experience, I would add a third item:

                3. The lack of emotional maturity and strength of character

                Of  these,  I  believe  the  third  one,  the  lack  of  emotional  maturity  and
                strength of character, is the main reason why people fail as entrepreneurs.

                The world is filled with smart, well-educated, talented people who fail to
                develop their God-given talents or gifts. How often does the student voted
                “Most Likely to Succeed” fail to succeed? Most of us know people whose

                lives  are  tales  of  woe,  tragedy,  or  betrayal,  who  blame  their  failures  on
                other people or on a bad start in life. We all know people who have great
                ideas about how to make millions of dollars, but are too lazy to get off the
                couch. We all know people who live in the future, and fail to take action
                today.  There  are  millions  of  people  who  want  to  change  the  world,  but

                cannot change the conditions of their own lives. And we all know people
                who lie, cheat, and steal, and yet lie again to themselves, believing they
                are  people  of  integrity.  Without  the  emotional  maturity  and  strength  of
                character represented by the thumb, most people are denied access to their
                Midas Touch.

                If I Had Known Then What I Know Now

                When speaking to a group of “wanna-be” entrepreneurs, I often begin by
                saying,  “If  I  had  known  how  much  I  did  not  know,  I  might  not  have
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