Page 135 - [Donald_J._Trump,_Meredith_McIver]_Trump_101_The_(BookFi)
P. 135


                           S P E E D K I L L S—T H E

                                C O M P E T I T I O N

                              Ge t   r ight  to  the   point

                     nfortunately, I’m frequently on the receiving end of conver-
               Usations with people who don’t edit their thoughts before
               speaking. As they ramble, I think to myself, “How long are they
               going to take to get to the point? We could’ve flown to Australia
               by now, and they’re still taking off.”
                   Business is no place for stream-of-consciousness babbling, no
               matter how colorfully you think you speak. Whatever you do,
               keep it short, fast, and right to the point. Being concise is polite;
               it shows that you respect other people’s time. When most folks
               have to listen to endless discourses, they squirm, their minds
               wander, or they frequently don’t listen. Instead of making their
               points, long-winded talkers turn off their audiences.
                   Before I went into partnership with the Brazilian entrepreneur
               Ricardo Bellino in Trump Realty Brazil, which will be the largest
               golf and residential complex in Latin America, I gave him only three

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