Page 137 - [Donald_J._Trump,_Meredith_McIver]_Trump_101_The_(BookFi)
P. 137

T R U M P  1 0 1 :  T H E  WAY  T O  S U C C E S S

                         BUSINESS IS A RELAY RACE

               Business is like a relay race. All team members must be fast,
               focused, and able to coordinate with each other. Each member
               has to know how to run with and pass the baton. No runner can
               lag behind or the entire team will suffer.
                   I once hired a very qualified young man who I expected to
               be great. Boy, was I ever wrong. This guy took so long to
               explain everything that I began to dread talking with him. He
               was just too slow. Yes, he was thorough and painstaking, but
               he couldn’t keep pace. He wasted too much time. I had to let
               him go because he couldn’t adapt to the environment and
               keep up.
                   Someone who analyzed my negotiating technique concluded
               that I had an advantage because I got to the point faster than
               anyone else. He said that while my adversaries were formulating
               their sentences, I had finished writing the book. I cut straight to
               the point because, before I speak, I map out the deal in my
               mind. I know the deal inside and out. I understand exactly what
               I need, what I want, how I want to proceed, and how far
               I’ll go.
                   I didn’t develop that ability overnight; I’ve worked at it for
               years. Once you start editing yourself, the process moves into
               other areas of your life. Before long, it spills over to virtually
               everything from relaying messages to writing letters, e-mail, or
               reports to ordering lunch.
                   When you watch The Apprentice, notice how candidates who
               present facts most succinctly stand out. Nobody wants to listen to
               five-minute explanations that could have been said in 15 to 20
               seconds. Long speeches are a red flag to my advisors and me. We
               don’t have time for verbose dialogues, and we won’t hire people
               who can’t promptly make their points.

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