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                              R E A C H W I T H I N T O

                                      R I S E A B O V E

                        But   te mpe r   your    reach    with    realit y

                        fter they reach a goal, achievers don’t feel that they’ve
                   Areached a plateau; they think they’re just beginning. Achiev-
                   ers have motors that drive them forward at all times; they don’t
                   have neutral or reverse. Achievers always look for the next deal
                   and have another objective or venture to pursue. An achiever’s
                   enthusiasm isn’t fabricated; it comes from deep within. Achievers
                   thrive on challenges, and they see every deal as another opportu-
                   nity to surpass themselves and accomplish even more.
                       Look deeply within yourself to discover your higher self—the
                   essential you. Find out what you really want, what you truly
                   value, and how far you’ll go to get it. In the process, you’ll also
                   find out what you’re made of.
                       One night at 3:00 A.M., when I was more than $9 billion in
                   debt, I was summoned to Citibank for a conference call with a bevy

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