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P. 183

T R U M P  1 0 1 :  T H E  WAY  T O  S U C C E S S

                  • Let your momentum carry you. Hook into it, feel the
                     power of your momentum, and let it sweep you along.

                  • As your momentum carries you, stay in control. Watch
                     out for hazards and make sure that you keep moving in
                     the right direction.

                  Ask Mr. Trump: Questions from Readers of the
                  Trump University Blog

                  Q: I’m $500,000 in debt. I’ve been told to give up and file for
                  bankruptcy, but the business, aside from the old debt, is profitable
                  and sales are increasing. I’m feeling a little defeated. How can I
                  get my focus back?
                  DJT: Focus on the solution to your problems. If you dwell only on
                  the problems, you might miss opportunities that could move your
                  momentum in the right direction. Problems can be solved; some-
                  times problems lead us to bigger and better things. Be realistic, but
                  remain optimistic. Negativity will kill your chances of gaining
                  momentum. Instead, focus on the possibilities and don’t give up.

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