Page 65 - [Donald_J._Trump,_Meredith_McIver]_Trump_101_The_(BookFi)
P. 65

T R U M P  1 0 1 :  T H E  WAY  T O  S U C C E S S

               your feelings and instincts, they will be the valuable guide that
               gives you an edge.

                                   M A K E I T H A P P E N I N Y O U R L I F E

                  Going with your gut can keep you intact. Remember that
                  being whole reinforces your strength.

                  • Identify your values and most cherished beliefs. Rein-
                     force in your mind what is most important to you. Sim-
                     ply thinking about your values will influence the
                     decisions you make.

                  • Trust your feelings, but also listen to reason. Stay open to
                     new ways and ideas so that you and your instincts will
                     continue to grow.


               Some people use the excuses, “That’s how I feel”; “That’s who I
               am”; and “This is how it always worked for me, and I’m not
               going to change.” These people are really just afraid of change.
                   Change is good and necessary. On occasion, it can be good to
               go against your instincts and habits just to shake things up, to see
               life from another perspective, or simply to take a chance. Repeti-
               tion can put you to sleep. Sometimes you have to look for oppor-
               tunities to respond differently and break the mold.

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