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• Get one or more partners.
• Brainstorm with others.
3. Career Risks such as Loss of Income and Loss of Work Environment: This is
an easy one. If you succeed in building your own profi table money
machine, you create the most fantastic, tailor-made career imaginable.
You also select your own community of coworkers.
In my second business, I wanted to handle international market-
ing, and still run the company as CEO. Building a strong organiza-
tional infrastructure was needed—one that could function without me
for periods of time while I was traveling. What more could I have
wanted—traveling the globe, running international trade shows, and
meeting with distributors and customers around the world? It would
have been quite unlikely for me to have gotten that kind of ideal job
without being my own boss. But don’t quit your day job until you are
confident that your opportunity is real, and your resources are ready
and available.
4. Lack of self-confi dence: Self-confidence comes from succeeding, so go
for it. If you don’t jump into the Trying Game, you will go through
life feeling the absence of self-esteem.
If your first few attempts are nonsuccesses, your self-perception
will increase because of what you have learned. Take courage and keep
trying, like Thomas Edison, and, if you do—like Edison—you will
succeed. Just go carefully and watch your cash fl ow.
5. Pressure on the family: For me, it was really important to find a balance
between my entrepreneurial pursuit and my strong family passion.
When I was starting my first business, my children were young. My
father had died during that period also, and my entire family needed
emotional support. I tried to involve the family in my activities where
possible, and I looked for creative ways to spend family time, collec-
tively and individually. Awareness and sensitivity make it possible to
find the balance.
6. Health, stress, long hours: Whenever you are getting burnt out, relax.
Find the balance!
Exercise, eat healthy, unwind with family and friends, get involved
in activities, meditate, sing, play, listen to music, laugh, dance, go to
movies, read . . . but don’t lose sight of your entrepreneurial focus.
7. Lack of the big opportunity: Opportunity is a central theme in entrepre-
neurship. You must search for ideas, screen out the losers, and identify
the potential winning opportunities. In the next chapter, we’ll talk
about how to do this in greater detail.
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