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Learn Millionaire Habits
to remove the word goal from their vocabulary. Since your subconscious com-
puter (your subconscious mind) will only produce exactly what you tell it
to, aiming for a goal is very different than executing a plan. You don’t need to
know every step to start. Whatever you envision right now, whatever you
aspire to in this moment, you already have some of the elements in hand. Take
the first step, and the next step will become clear.
Put your vision on paper. Grab a pen and piece of paper and describe
your perfect working day, from the moment you wake up to the moment you
go to sleep. With whom do you interact? Who is on your team? How much
money do you make from your activities? What great fun do you have?
By doing that, you take the first step toward making that mental picture a
reality. Once you do, you can start to break it down into doable steps.
Here are the basic elements of plan setting:
• Plan high . Small plans do not inspire. Big plans make you passionate.
Most people are playing a small game, and produce small results. John D.
Rockefeller said, “Play with pennies, you make pennies. Play with dol-
lars, you make dollars.” Worst case scenario: You accomplish only part of
your plan. You wanted to become a billionaire, and you only became
a multimillionaire instead. Poor baby!
• Chunk it down . Take small steps. Even if it’s not all doable right now,
some is. A steady and certain march toward your plan will get you fur-
ther than you realize. Critical mass takes over at some point, and all
the things you have done suddenly add up. Looking at the big picture
of anything can be overwhelming, so when you feel a task is too big,
ask yourself this question. Post it near your workspace, so you can
refer to it whenever you feel stuck.
“What is powerful, productive, positive, and leads me
toward what I am working on? Do it now!”
• Action versus production quotas . In the beginning of any game, it’s
important to set yourself up to win. List what you will do, instead of
what you will accomplish. Calling 10 potential customers in one hour
is an action quota, closing three new sales is a production quota. You
don’t need to lose 10 pounds, you need to get to the gym every day.
The fat comes off when you take action. Taking consistent, powerful,
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