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Learn Millionaire Habits

                            I emphasize “happy and healthy” for a reason. I wouldn’t dream of
                   teaching you how to make money without helping you to establish the proper
                   foundation that allows you to enjoy your wealth. Learn and master these
                     millionaire habits, and you’ll be able to capitalize on the wealth-building
                     vehicles  described throughout this book. If you don’t—you’ll have regrets
                   later, and wish you had.
                       Let’s look at the first successful habit, and the true foundation of all


                                            Spiritual Health

                     If you think being poor is tough, try being rich without being spiritually cen-
                   tered. Spiritual health is understanding that, ultimately, all of the money in
                   the world isn’t going to make you happy. If you don’t like yourself when
                   you’re poor, you sure won’t like yourself when you’re rich; in fact, money
                   makes the struggle harder.

                       That’s why it’s important to find a spiritual path that works for you. Find-

                   ing wealth without finding peace is setting yourself up for disaster. Money
                   can create paranoia, distance you from the people you love, and stimulate and
                   create addictions. Wealth gives you enough money to indulge yourself with
                   harmful things like drugs, alcohol, greed, and worse. Instead, armed with a
                   spiritual discipline, you’ll be able to do the effective thing, and do it daily so
                   you can learn to truly love yourself and be freed up to do good work. There
                   really is no right or wrong, just consequences.
                       Spiritual health starts with the knowledge that the size of your bank
                     account doesn’t dictate your self-worth. By truly liking who you are—with or
                   without money—you’ll make much better judgments and not get bogged
                   down in emotional quicksand. In the course of building a successful business,
                   it’s normal to have setbacks. There will be bumps in the road—that is guaran-
                   teed. By being spiritually healthy, you’ll be secure in your own identity and
                   more willing to take calculated risks that are the foundation of creating wealth.
                        Spiritual health keeps you clear minded and joyful and free of worry
                   about the future. It also gives a strong moral foundation to enjoy your wealth.
                   Ever wonder why the rich get richer? Because they have a spirit of gratitude.
                   They’re grateful for what they have. And this spirit of gratitude allows them

                   to look for what is working every day. We always find what we are looking
                   for. What we focus on expands. This mindset allows you to constantly deal

                   with what emerges and to find it not only useful, but actually perfect.


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