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Learn Millionaire Habits
Millionaire Mindset and Habits Worksheet, visit www.trumpuniversity.
• Read your plan every day . Make it an obsession. Post pictures, draw-
ings, and reminders everywhere you turn, so you become what you
plan: successful. Taste it, see it, feel it. Let it become your reality
before the world even thinks it is a possibility. Start “acting as if” it is
already true, and you will attract the people you need to accom-
plish it.
Millionaires and billionaires are constantly feeding their minds with
healthy information. Like any muscle, the mind needs to exercise or it will
die. Reading is one way to stimulate your mind “muscle,” because it requires
you to be active instead of passive. Reading every day also can improve the
way you communicate. Not only will your vocabulary increase, but also biog-
raphies will reveal how successful people became wealthy due in part to their
ability to communicate. Great businesspeople like Donald J. Trump or Mark
Cuban, or many other millionaires or billionaires, are also great communica-
tors. The wealthiest man on the planet, Bill Gates, has an incredible ability
to communicate his ideas, his creativity, and his motivation to other people to
inspire them to be more than they thought they could be.
Communication equals wealth . The quality of our lives is the quality of our
communication, both with ourselves and with the outside world. Communi-
cation with ourselves is a form of programming . It’s the 1,500 words per minute
whizzing through our brain that tell us who we are, or are not; what we can
be, or not be; what we can do, or not do; and what we can have, or not have.
Communication with the outside world is called infl uence . Influence is not the
ability to get somebody else to say yes to what you are offering. True infl u-
ence is the ability to persuade somebody else to ask for what you are selling
and have them believe it was their idea.
I have made millions of dollars by helping others get what they want.
The challenge is: Most people don’t know what they want until you tell them.
I call the process of influencing other people to ask for what you are selling
the persuasion equation .
There are fi ve steps:
1. Gain rapport and trust . We don’t buy anything at any price from some-
one we don’t trust.
2. Elicit the buyer’s outcome . Your job as a master influencer is to make
what you are selling look like what the other person wants.
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