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Write Y our F inancial
V ision Sta tement
John R. Burley
ou might be surprised to learn that one of the most powerful habits of
Y wealthy people is their ability to visualize a better financial future. They
develop a clear mental picture of where they want to be fi nancially, and then
describe their fi nancial vision in a simple and concise statement to serve as a
constant reminder of where they are headed. This picture becomes a power-
ful motivator in their quest to produce and acquire wealth.
If you can get a clear picture of the way you want your life to look, that
glimpse, quite often, may be enough to keep you moving ahead in pursuit of
your personal dream.
Sadly, many people don’t pursue their dreams. Wise and wealthy King
Solomon wrote, “Where there is no vision, the people perish.” He under-
stood that once people lose their vision of a better future, they lose their
hope—and even their desire—to persevere through life’s challenges. Many
people have some idea of what they would like their ideal lives to look like,
but they convince themselves that dreams never come true. The truth is, most
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