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ONALD TRUMP HAS many visionary ideas for his real estate in-
                   Dvestments, and he ultimately makes all the important decisions
                   himself, but before any final decision is made, he listens very closely
                   to  the counsel and advice of experts. In every real estate project,
                   Trump retains top real estate specialists to help him—architects,
                   lawyers, leasing agents, accountants, contractors, engineers, design-
                   ers, and others. When it comes to legal documents or business ad-
                   vice, he calls on me first to get my thoughts. He knows that he can
                   accomplish much more than he ever could himself by using the ser-
                   vices of top real estate professionals like me. This chapter describes
                   how you can find really good people whose value to you will cover
                   the cost of their fee many times over.
                       Many  small investors get into trouble because they try to do
                   everything themselves, right down to their own legal and tax work.
                   To be successful with your real estate project, you need to get the
                   best people in the field to help you.
                       For example, when I bought a radio station on Long Island with
                   my  brother-in-law, Martin Beck, I knew nothing about the radio
                   business, but he did. He knew about ratings and how to attract more
                   listeners. He knew about the rating sweeps and how to increase your
                   advertising revenue. He had worked for an advertising agency selling
                   radio time, and he knew how advertisers thought, and the best way to
                   package what we were planning to sell. He also knew a lot about cost
                   saving. For example, you don’t need an individual newscaster for six
                   radio stations. You can tie in with CNN News and use their news for
                   all stations with minor changes based on locality. Previously, you
                   needed to staff a separate news department. With Marty’s industry
                   expertise, and my financing and business acumen, we created a very

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