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                       But all this preparation was just the foundation for Trump’s ini-
                   tial meeting. The ultimate purpose of that meeting was to find out
                   what Walter Hinneberg really wanted and construct a scenario that
                   would work for both parties. Hinneberg was impressed that someone
                   of Donald Trump’s stature would fly to Germany to meet with him
                   and this enabled Trump to establish the atmosphere of mutual trust
                   that was essential to consummation of the deal.
                       Trump knew that the history of mistrust that Hinneberg en-
                   dured with prior building operators could only be overcome with the
                   passage of time, relationship building, and constant negotiation to
                   address the concerns of both parties. Instead of trying to sign a quick
                   deal, Trump took almost a year to hammer out the intricate terms of
                   the new ground lease, one of which was a total rent abatement for a
                   period of three years. Both parties were detail oriented and had to
                   expend a great deal of time, energy, and money. But this also meant
                   they were both committed to making the deal work. Without the
                   time investment, the deal probably would have aborted.

                   Why You Should Avoid a Quick Deal

                   If you want to buy, sell, or invest in real estate, you must remember
                   that people are willing to spend time with someone who seems gen-
                   uinely interested in them and what they have to offer. Trying to make
                   aquick deal sends the opposite message to the person you are dealing
                   with. Likewise, it will be much easier for a seller to brush you off, if
                   you are only interested in the selling price of a property, and show no
                   curiosity about the history of the property, or owner’s goals, reasons
                   for selling, and so on. The more questions that are asked and answered
                   over extended periods of time in a real estate transaction, the more
                   useful information you willhave to bring to the negotiating table.
                   Asking questions and gathering information also cement the impres-
                   sion of a sincere and continued interest Moreover, it is personally

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