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P. 12
12 Shame on you! Trump’s News
It manufactures U.S. they're trying to make us Services, the largest to take down the video,
currency, it dispenses be quiet. internet hosting service in the sex abuse video, but
trillions of dollars every the world, to simply Twitter refused to do so
year. According to Rice, You see those efforts all unplug it, to destroy it with until the Department of
much of that money will around you now. Never in no debate or even Homeland Security
now be distributed on the American history has coherent explanation for intervened. That's what it
basis of equity. That t h e r e b e e n p r e s s why they did it. Why did took.
means it will go to people censorship on this scale. Amazon do that? It wasn't
who do not possess, As we noted at the top, because they were You're getting the picture.
FOX News is the last There's a lot of, quote,
quote, “privilege.” morally offended by
s i g n i f i c a n t m e d i a Parler. That can't be true. “garbage” floating around
So let's get very specific organization remaining in on Amazon Web Services
about what that means. this country that allows its Last year, according to and on Twitter. But
W h a t p r e c i s e l y i s employees to tell obvious the Group Parents according to our media
privilege? Can privilege truths in public. The rest Together, a total of 69 class, none of it would
be measured? If so, how of them have been million photos and videos justify shutting down
exactly are we measuring muzzled or shut down of children being sexually Amazon Web Services.
it? Can we see the completely. abused reported to the
privilege formula? We National Center for Incidentally, you should
should see it because a The last to go was the Missing and Exploited also know that Amazon
huge amount turns on the social media site, Parler, Children, yet, only eight of Web Services provides
definition of this word. which was created as a those reports came from web services for the CIA
free-speech alternative to Amazon Web Services, You're paying for it.
Some Americans won't t h e S i l i c o n Va l l e y which was hosting quite a
get jobs because it's been monopolies like Twitter few of them. Why is that? Amazon has built data
decided they have too and Facebook. A few c e n t e r s i n C h i n a .
According to a report by
much privilege. Others weeks ago, those very Apparently, Jeff Bezos
won't get into college or same monopolies pulled didn't consider sexual the Horizon Advisory
get promoted or win it right off the internet. abuse videos garbage. Group, Amazon runs a
Federal contracts. Others Parler no longer exists. As the Director of Parents q u o t e , “ I n n o v a t i o n
w i l l s e e t h e i r Together, put it, quote, C e n t e r ” i n c l o s e
neighborhoods change When the history of this “Amazon Web Services partnership with the
dramatically in ways they period is written, the has vast resources, Communist Party of
destruction of Parler will China. It's not clear what
may not like because of controls a third of Cloud
their privilege. They'll tell get its own chapter, and infrastructure services, they are innovating. But
you that's not true, but it is so will these people. The and handles billions of whatever it is, it's not a
true. mindless corporate shills uploads and downloads. problem for our leaders
who applauded its Their abysmal failure to because no one in the
And before any of that destruction. report child sex abuse Chinese government
happens, the rest of us material makes it clear voted for Donald Trump.
d e s e r v e a c l e a r (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) It's not like they're
they're not looking for it.”
explanation of what's UNIDENTIFIED MALE: dangerous.
going on. Who's getting P a r l e r h a s z e r o And of course, they're not
rewarded? Who's getting moderation. The whole looking for it. Whatever But you know who is
punished? And why? point is that this is a you think of kiddie porn, d a n g e r o u s ? A n y
American citizen who
We don't have to ask c o m p l e t e l y f r e e it's not like it is right of doesn't agree with
center politics, so Jeff
politely, we're American community that you can Bezos doesn't need to MSNBC? Watch.
citizens. This is our say what you want. What censor it.
government, no matter it tends to have done is (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)
attracted very hard-right
who we voted for, we're We should also tell you UNIDENTIFIED MALE:
paying for it. So we can c o n s e r v a t i v e s , t h a t A m a z o n W e b The whole idea of
demand an answer. But conspiracy theorists, S e r v i c e s p r o v i d e s prevention needs to be
of course, there isn't an racist. hosting services to examined by the new
answer. That's the point. It's garbage. I mean the Twitter, and according to Congress. What do I
They can't really define s t u ff o n P a r l e r i s their lawsuit, Twitter mean by that? We still
privilege. quote, ” … benefited from
remarkable garbage. don't have a domestic
and neglected to remove
They can't tell us who in a (END VIDEO CLIP) an exploitive video terrorism law. We still
country with no majority featuring a minor boy and don't treat this like we do
culture actually qualifies CARLSON: Oh, the stuff another minor, which was international terrorism,
as a quote “minority.” on Parler is remarkable retweeted thousands of change the religion of
They don't want to have garbage, announces times and received at some of those people that
this conversation in the some low IQ thug on least 160,000 views on its entered the Capitol and
first place at all, because television. Therefore, it's platform,” on Twitter. y o u ' v e g o t v i o l e n t
t h e i r v i e w s a r e totally fine. Virtuous, in jihadists.
indefensible. That's why fact. The lawsuit says that the You've got the FBI with
they are general rather minor and his mother undercover informants,
than precise. That's why F o r A m a z o n W e b repeatedly asked Twitter