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16 ECONOMY Trump’s News
Until the recent award
of border wall system
construction projects,
the sector had zero
m i l e s o f b o r d e r
Since the beginning of
Fiscal Year 2021
(October 1, 2020),
apprehended more
than 2,000 migrants
being smuggled in
tractor-trailers, Laredo
Sector Chief Patrol
Agent Matthew Hudak
tweeted on Tuesday.
During that first-quarter Biden Kills 5K Construction Jobs by Canceling
period, Laredo Sector Border Wall, Says Former CBP Commissioner
officials apprehended
more than 25,000 By BOB PRICE
migrants who illegally
crossed the border from
Mexico into Texas. President Joe Biden's be hit by Biden's include reversing the
order to cancel the executive order signed projects that have started
Agents in the sector building of new border on his first day in office. but are not completed.
also seized nearly wall systems authorized He said union members
7,000 pounds of drugs by Congress will kill in the steel industry that “Right now, we have
being smuggled across about 5,000 construction produce the bollards will about 270,000 tons of
the unsecured border, jobs, according to the be impacted. steel bollard fencing that
according to CBP most recent former head have been produced but
reports. of U.S. Customs and “Now, keep in mind, not put in place,” the
Border Protection. In they're going to be paid commissioner said.
During the Trump addition, it will cost other for what they produced “Think about that. We are
a d m i n i s t r a t i o n , earners in the steel, so far,” he explained. not only going to have to
construction crews c o n c r e t e , a n d “But for the 350 miles that pay the contractors for
completed 450 miles of technology industries Congress funded for that, but then we're
n e w b o r d e r w a l l who supply project construction, all that gonna have to pay the
systems, Breitbart materials. goes out the window.” additional money to
Texas reported. either destroy it, which is
Congress approved In response to the “So all the work that unconscionable, or store
funding to build an cancellation of border they were counting on, it.”
additional 350 miles of wall systems contracted you know, the money
border wall systems. by U.S. Customs and they are counting on to Additionally, Morgan
Border Protection (CBP), feed their families and said we will have to undo
Earlier this month, former Commissioner pay their mortgage, all the partially completed
Commissioner Morgan Morgan told Breitbart that goes out the projects.
told reporters that News that Biden's order w i n d o w , ” M o r g a n
Congress allocated will cost Americans about continued. “Let's say a ditch has
$1.375 billion for the 5,000 high-paying jobs. been dug to lay rebar,” he
construction of the In addition to the steel said. “We are actually
additional 350 miles. “Conservatively, it's production, the border going to have to pay the
going to cost about 5,000 wall systems also include contractor to pull out the
“It's just frustrating what jobs — construction lighting, state-of-the-art rebar and fill the ditch
I'm seeing right now,” workers — right now,” surveillance technology, back in the way it was.”
M o r g a n s a i d i n Morgan said in an and all access road
response to the actions exclusive interview. “It's construction. Those who “ C o n s e r v a t i v e l y, ”
taken by President gonna cost them their produce all of these will Commissioner Morgan
Biden on January 20. livelihood.” be impacted as well, he c o n c l u d e d , “ w e ' r e
“To me, it's all politics. stated. looking at costing
It's all about politics. T h e f o r m e r taxpayers billions of
And our country's less commissioner said it is Morgan said there are dollars.”
safe because of it and n o t j u s t t h e s e other costs in canceling
it's just disgusting.” construction jobs that will the projects. Those