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Trump’s News Shame on you! 13
electronic surveillance, can hurt you because we thought you were an at stake.
and agents in their groups hurt terrorists. American citizen with
a n d o r g a n i z a t i o n s rights and just a different (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)
b e c a u s e w e ' v e Listen to America's new view. But no, you're a
Grand Inquisitor, Adam T U L S I G A B B A R D ,
designated them as jihadi. And we're going to F O R M E R U . S .
potentially violent. We've Schiff of California. treat you the way we REPRESENTATIVE: The
got nothing like that going (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) treated those radicals John Brennans, Adam
on. after 9/11, the way we Schiffs and the oligarchs
REP. ADAM SCHIFF (D- treated Bin Laden.
(END VIDEO CLIP) CA): We have been in Big Tech who are trying
t o u n d e r m i n e o u r
CARLSON: Oh, so the urging for some time that Get in line, pal. This is a constitutionally protected
war on terror.
government should the F.B.I. and the rights and turn our
change the religion of Department of Homeland Keep in mind as you listen country into a police state
Security raised the
those people. The to people talk like this, w i t h K G B - s t y l e
government now has the priority to domestic Adam Schiff is far from surveillance are also
right to change religion. t e r r o r i s m t o w h i t e the only one. Keep in domestic enemies and
According to the G-Man n a t i o n a l i s m a s i t mind, they are talking much more powerful and
on TV. That's a big threatens the country, about American citizens therefore dangerous than
change. When did this and we're going to here. They're talking the mob that stormed the
become a theocracy? continue sounding the about you. But nobody Capitol.
alarm and make sure that
seems to notice or care.
The rest of us thought we they're devoting the (END VIDEO CLIP)
were allowed to believe resources, the time and One who does notice and
any religion we wanted to the attention, just as we cares quite a bit, one of CARLSON: What you
believe, even ones that did after 9/11 to the threat the only Democrats just heard her say is true.
“Morning Joe” doesn't f r o m i n t e r n a t i o n a l willing to stand up and No matter what they tell
understand or approve of. terrorism, we need to give oppose this transparently you, no matter how much
We imagine that was the the same priority and fascist purge — that is they attack the person
who said it — oh, she's a
whole point of America. urgency to domestic what it is — is Tulsi
Not anymore. terrorism. Gabbard, the former tool of Assad — it is
Member of Congress absolutely true. That is
Equity and inclusion (END VIDEO CLIP) from Hawaii. true. And God bless Tulsi
means that you will Gabbard for saying so out
believe what they tell you CARLSON: Got that. Gabbard published a loud.
to believe. Period. Or else Vote the wrong way and video message today
you're a terrorist and they you are a jihadi. You explaining exactly what's