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               Trump’s News                                   Biden Afghanistan disaster

                    Gold Star Father Says Joe Biden 'Talked More

                            About His Son Than My Son' in Meeting

                Two Gold Star fathers of U.S. Marines killed during the terrorist attacks in Kabul,

                Afghanistan, recently spoke out about their experiences with President Joe Biden.
                Mark Schmitz, the father of Marine Jared Schmitz, and Darin Hoover, the father of

                Marine Darin Taylor Hoover Jr. discussed their loss during an interview with Fox
                News' Sean Hannity on Monday.

                                                                          by AMY FURR

               Two Gold Star fathers                According  to  Schmitz,              Hoover said the reason              just once. It happened

               of  U.S.  Marines  killed            the  meeting  was  not               behind  why  he  chose              on  every  single  one
               during  the  terrorist               pleasant  and  he  said              not to meet with Biden              that came out of that

               attacks  in  Kabul,                  the  president  talked               began  at  Dover  Air               airplane.  It  happened
               Afghanistan,  recently               m o r e   a b o u t   h i s          Force Base where the                on every single one of
               spoke out about their                deceased  son,  former               president and first lady            them.  They  would

               experiences  with                    D e l a w a r e   S t a t e          solemnly  greeted  the              release the salute, and

               President  Joe  Biden.               Attorney  General                    caskets of the 13 fallen            he would look down at
               Mark  Schmitz,  the                  Joseph  “Beau”  Biden                servicemembers.                     his watch on every last
               father of Marine Jared               III  than  he  did  Jared                                                one, all 13, he looked

               Schmitz,  and  Darin                 Schmitz.                             Biden faced mounting                down at his watch,” he
               Hoover,  the  father  of                                                  criticism  after  a  clip           commented.

               Marine  Darin  Taylor                “Initially, I wasn't going           e m e r g e d   o n l i n e
               Hoover  Jr.  discussed               to  meet  with  him,”                Sunday of him looking               When  asked  why

               their  loss  during  an              Schmitz  noted.  “But                at his watch during the             H o o v e r ' s   f a m i l y
               interview  with  Fox                 then I felt I owed it to             transfer  ceremony  of              declined to meet with

               News' Sean Hannity on                my son to at least have              the  Marines  slain  in             President  Biden,  he
               Monday.                              some words with him                  Afghanistan.                        stated,  “We  said,

                                                    about how I felt – and                                                   'absolutely  not.'  We
               Schmitz  decided  to                 it didn't go well.”                  Hoover claimed Biden                didn't  want  to  deal

               meet  with  Biden,  but                                                   looked  at  his  watch              with  him.  We  didn't
               Hoover  told  Hannity,               “He talked a bit more                several times while the             want  him  anywhere
               “we  didn't  want                    about  his  own  son                 caskets  were  being                near  us.  We,  as  a

               [Biden] anywhere near                than  he  did  my  son,              offloaded.                          family,  decided  that

               u s ,”   t h e   o u t l e t         and that didn't sit well                                                 that was the way it was
               reported.                            with me,” he added.                  “That  didn't  happen               going to be.”
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