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Trump’s News Biden Afghanistan disaster
Exclusive — Rep. Ronny Jackson: Thirteen
U.S. Military Servicepersons 'Would Be Alive' If
Donald Trump Was President
Thirteen U.S. military servicepersons killed in the suicide bombing attacks in
Afghanistan would be alive if former President Donald Trump was still the
commander-in-chief, Rep. Ronny Jackson (R-TX) stated on Tuesday's edition of
SiriusXM's Breitbart News Daily with host Alex Marlow.
“If Donald J. Trump was to declare itself over the a big effort right now for Islamic terrorists and
the president right now, next few weeks, It is people on the outside — d i s t r i b u t e d f o r
I can guarantee you they nothing but a hostage for Americans — to get propaganda purposes.
would be alive,” Jackson situation, and we're money to [Americans in
determined. “I have no already in situation Afghanistan] so that “The thing I worry
doubt about that. This is where the Taliban they can pay to pass about is, wait until ISIS
all [Joe Biden's] doing. realizes that they can ask t h e s e [ T a l i b a n ] gets ahold of some of
This is the disastrous for huge sums of money checkpoints, and it's these people,” he said of
way that they pulled to allow people to pass b e c o m i n g h u g e Americans left in
out.” through checkpoints. So amounts of money. It Afghanistan. “ISIS
the Taliban will extort started out as $1,000, doesn't care about that
Jackson warned that people, and they will and then it was $2,000, kind of stuff. ISIS is going
Americans left behind in basically hold them and now it's like $15,000 to put them in orange
Afghanistan will be hostage and not let dollars or something jumpsuits and cut their
extorted and held for them leave [until ridiculous per person.” heads off on video.
ransom by the Taliban or somebody pays their We've seen that movie
ISIS. ransom and lets them Jackson recalled video already. It's horrific.
pass the checkpoint.” r e c o r d i n g s o f That's what's going
He said, “It is a hostage beheadings and other happen again.”
situation, and it's going He continued, “There's murders committed by