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8               Biden Afghanistan disaster                                                            Trump’s News

                       Three-Year-Old American from California

                           Stranded in Afghanistan by Joe Biden

                 A 3-year-old boy from northern California, along with his family, is stranded in
                 Afghanistan as a result of President Joe Biden's botched Afghanistan withdrawal,

                 according to a report.

                                                                       by JACOB BLISS

               The  3-year-old  born                Brown  has  contacted                that  the  3-year-old  and          said,  trying  to  explain
               near  Sacramento  with               Democrat  Rep.  Jackie               his family were attacked            t h e   n u m b e r   o f
               an American passport is              Speier  (CA)  and  is                by the Taliban terrorists           Americans they believe
               stranded in Afghanistan,             working with her staff to            when  coming  in  close             are still stranded in the
               unable  to  leave  the               help with the process.               proximity  to  the  Kabul           county.
               country,  according  to                                                   airport.
               KGO,  a  Bay  Area                   “They've  also  made                                                     However,  he  also  said
               affiliate of ABC.                    numerous phone calls to              “And they were stopped              t h e y         “ m a d e
                                                    the White House, to the              by a Taliban checkpoint,            extraordinary  efforts  to
               The  report  hides  the              Secretary  of  Defense's             and  they  received                 give  Americans  every
               child's  identity  and  his          Office,  and  to  the                physical beatings at the            opportunity to depart the
               family  members  fear                Secretary  of  State's               gate  and  they  were               country, in many cases,
               being  captured  by  the             office  escalating  this             pushed back where they              talking  and  sometimes
               Taliban terrorists.                  family's case all the way            had to flee and return to           walking  them  into  the
                                                    to the top for us,” Brown            a  safe  house,”  Brown             airport.”
               J a m e s   B r o w n ,   a          said  about  Speier's                said.
               veteran's advocate who               office.                                                                  KGO  reported  that  late
               has been working to get                                                   U.S. Secretary of State             Monday, the young boy
               the  family  back  to  the           Speier wrote a letter, “To           Antony  Blinken  on                 and his family were “on
               United  States  safely,              Whom It May Concern,”                Monday  was  unable  to             the  move”  after  they
               told KGO, “I received a              that said, “I believe it is          give an exact number of             were  able  to  connect
               call Sunday morning at               of particular and urgent             Americans  left  in  the            with  other  Americans
               about  6  a.m.  from  a              concern  that  these                 county.                             stranded in the country
               friend of mine who's an              individuals be allowed to                                                who are trying to leave.
               active  duty  Marine                 pass  through  the  gate             “We  believe  there  are            Since  the  collapse  of
               Corps  officer  stationed            and be given safe refuge             still  a  small  number  of         Kabul,  there  are  no
               overseas,  and  he                   a t   H a m i d   K a r z a i        Americans,  under  200              longer normal channels
               basically  felt  like  his           International  Airport  …            and likely closer to 100,           of  communication  with
               hands were tied and he               so  that  they  might  be            w h o   r e m a i n   i n           U.S. officials.
               needed  some  help                   available for departure.”            Afghanistan and want to
               getting this family out.”            In the letter, Brown said            leave,”  the  secretary
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