Page 99 - Trump Never Give Up: How I Turned My Biggest Challenges into Success
P. 99

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                      I F Y OU T HINK Y OU C AN

                       C OMPLETE A S IX-Y EAR

                    P ROJECT IN S IX M ONTHS,

                          Y OU P ROBABLY C AN

                        Wol lm a n R ink, C e nt ral Pa rk,
                                   Ne w York Cit y

                    ery often, what I want to do involves a lot of other organi-
               Vzations and a lot of bureaucracy. They say you can’t fight
               city hall, but I have no problem going against conventional wis-
               dom. Think for yourself and go ahead and fight, especially if it
               means enough to you. This particular fight had a personal ele-
               ment to it—the view out my living room window.
                   My apartment in Trump Tower overlooks the historic and
               scenic Wollman Rink in Central Park. It’s a beautiful winter

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