Page 164 - Trump Never Give Up: How I Turned My Biggest Challenges into Success
P. 164

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                               G ET  THE M OST   FROM E VER Y D AY

                   people to you and make your daily life—and theirs—a lot more
                       Take the pains required to become what you want to
                   become, or you might end up becoming something you’d rather
                   not be. It’s like the hub versus rim theory—do you want to be
                   the hub, or the rim? Being the hub means you’re more centered,
                   more central; being on the rim is being away from the action or
                   the driving force. When I emphasize the importance of focus,
                   that is one way of visualizing it. Focusing on the center, on
                   what’s really important in your life, can make the difference
                   between your being the hub or on the rim.
                       Business is full of complexities. That’s what makes it so inter-
                   esting. Anyone who thinks it’s boring hasn’t given it much
                   thought. Business can be an art, and as an art, it is evolving and
                   mysterious in its own right. When I wrote The Art of the Deal, I
                   was really just illustrating this aspect of business, and I haven’t
                   changed my mind about it. Like an artist, I give my utmost every
                   day to what I’m doing. I’m not pretending in any sense of the word.
                       If you really want to succeed, you’ll have to go for it every
                   day like I do. The big time isn’t for slackers. Keep up your men-
                   tal stamina and remain curious. Bored people equal unintelli-
                   gent people in my mind. Hopefully since you’re reading this,
                   that unfortunate group won’t ever include you. It better not! I
                   don’t like dropouts either. Get with and keep up with the pro-
                   gram—and I mean every day. I’m not really a tough guy but I am
                   when it comes to education and using your brains. Ignorance is
                   more expensive than education, and considering what’s available
                   these days—Trump University, for example—very few people
                   can make a strong case for ignorance.
                       It was Thoreau who wrote, “If you have built castles in the
                   air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be.
                   Now put the foundations under them.” I couldn’t have said it
                   better. Get your vision, get focused, and then do the work—
                   starting today!

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