Page 190 - Trump Never Give Up: How I Turned My Biggest Challenges into Success
P. 190

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                                           I NDEX

                   A                               Amtrak, 72–73
                                                   Anderson, Joel, 89–90
                   Aberdeen, Scotland golf club    Apartments, foreclosed,
                       project, 39–44                  139–141
                   Achievements, photos and        Apprentice, The:
                       mementos of, 116              audition process,
                   Adversity, 1–4, 6                      54–55
                   Advice:                           editing of boardroom
                     best piece of, 38                    scenes, 96
                     for entrepreneurs, 36           firing people, 37
                     going against, 9–11             humor and, 90
                   Airline industry, 71–74           most surprising thing
                   Air rights, 19–20, 30                  about, 38
                   Ali, Muhammad, 144                success of, 9–11
                   America We Deserve, The         Art of the Deal, The (Trump),
                       (Trump), 24                     90, 143

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