Page 194 - Trump Never Give Up: How I Turned My Biggest Challenges into Success
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                                              I NDEX

                     Trump Ocean Club, 109,        K
                     Trump SoHo, 18–23             Kandell, Leonard, 31
                   Hoving, Walter, 30, 31          Kelly, Veronica, 25
                   Hub versus rim theory, 143      Kinson Company,
                   Humor, sense of, 89–90              161–162
                   Hyatt at Grand Central,         Knowledge, 167
                       62–68                       Koch, Ed, 79–80, 133,

                   Ideas, inspiration for, 36
                   Ignorance, 143                  Lashley, Bobby, 148
                   Indifference, in negotiations,  Las Vegas:
                       168                           public speaking engagement,
                   Inquisitiveness, 69–70                 104–105
                   Instincts, 9–11, 128              Trump International Hotel
                   International home buyers,             & Tower, 109, 111
                       157–158                     Laughter, 89–90
                   International real estate       Lawsuit over Trump Nation,
                       projects, 106–107,              151–152
                       108–109, 110                Leaders, characteristics of,
                   Interviewing, 145–146               34, 35
                   Istanbul project, 109           Letter to New York Times,
                                                   Lincoln, Abraham, 35, 54
                   J                               Lists of goals, 136
                                                   Long Island project, 97–99
                   JetBlue, 71                     Los Angeles golf club, 100,
                   Johnson, Philip, 51–52              153–156
                   Jones Beach project, 97–99      Losses, cutting, 71–74
                   Julius Caesar (Shakespeare),    Luck, 36, 45–47, 166
                       46                          Lunch habits, 35
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